The Future in America: A Search After Realities

Herbert George Wells


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‘I have tried to show how the members of this population struggle and differentiate among themselves in a universal commercial competition that must, in the end, if it is not modified, divide them into two permanent classes of rich and poor.’

The Future in America is a travel book by H. G. Wells discussing his impressions of the United States after visiting there in 1906. Wells was impressed by the energy and progress taking place in the United States but also discusses in length the existing social issues there. Being a skillful prose writer, Wells’ detailed descriptions of his travels allow readers to experience what the United States was like in the early 20th century.

Herbert George Wells, commonly known as H. G. Wells, was a British writer and one of the most famous science fiction writers in the world. Although he is best remembered today for his science fiction works, he was also famous during his time for his many social and political commentaries.