Our Revolution: Essays on Working-Class and International Revolution, 1904-1917

Leon Trotsky


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‘The state is not an end in itself. It is, however, the greatest means for organizing, disorganizing and reorganizing social relations. According to who is directing the machinery of the State, it can be an instrument of profoundest transformations, or a means of organized stagnation.’

Our Revolution is a collection of Leon Trotsky’s writings that best represents his revolutionary thought. The writings were collected by the journalist Moissaye Joseph Olgin after the success of the October Revolution. Since Trotsky was one of the leaders of the October Revolution, his writings were seen as important documents to study for leftists worldwide. This collection of writings gives a clear example of Trotsky’s revolutionary ideas which were predominant in the early phases of the Russian Revolution.

Leon Trotsky was a Russian Marxist revolutionary, political theorist, and politician. He was a leader in Russia’s October Revolution and was a major figure in the founding of the Soviet Union.