‘Modern weapons and modern contrivance are continually decreasing the number of men who can be employed efficiently upon a length of front.’
An Englishman Looks at the World is a collection of essays by H. G. Wells written between 1909 to 1914. With his usual wit and foresight, Wells analysed the pressing issues of his time—technology, education, war, social progress, and politics—through the eyes of a forward-thinking English intellectual. In his essays, Wells was sharp in his critique but also filled with visionary optimism, pondering the trajectory of humanity amid the turbulence of pre-World War I Europe. The insights offered by the essays eerily resonate with modern dilemmas.
Herbert George Wells, commonly known as H. G. Wells, was a British writer and one of the most famous science fiction writers in the world. Although he is best remembered today for his science fiction works, he was also famous during his time for his many social and political commentaries.